
Senior International Correspondence Chess Master (SIM) ICCF

Senior International Correspondence Chess Master (SIM) ICCF 2005

wtorek, 21 października 2014

The Caro-Kann-Krol ?!

I found in internet interesting article Dana Mackenzie "Why Not Nuke the Caro?".
I am impressed and for feel grateful!
Quote: "I’ll let you think about that a little bit, while I say a little bit about the history. When I looked this position on ChessBase up, it was interesting to see that someone else had already had this idea. Not Arne Bryntse, the Swedish correspondence player who pioneered the Bryntse Gambit — he apparently never thought of playing it against the Caro. However, there is a Polish player named Wladyslaw Krol, rated in the 2200-2300 range, who has played this sequence of moves several times against both the Sicilian Defense and the Caro-Kann. Since the concept occurs in more than one opening, perhaps instead of the Bryntse Variation we should call it the Krol Koncept. But for now I’ll keep using two separate names, and call this the Caro-Kann-Krol."
In Correpspondence Database 2013 is 22 my games from open Caro-Kann from balance: (+5,=10,-7)

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